International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees Local 675
Hult Center for the Performing Arts
Union Stagehands at the City of Eugene’s Hult Center service every show and event on the Silva and Soreng stages. Also events in the Hult lobby, studio and surrounding property.
If you have an event you want to put on, we know how stressful that can be. The Union stagehand crew in Eugene has an average of 15 to 20 years experience doing this every day and we know what it takes to get your event up and running efficiently and smooth. We are ready to work when you want it done right.
Crew for all concerts
Local 675 has technical theatre specialists that operate under a Collective Bargaining Agreement for all events large and small. We provide crew for lighting, electrics, sound, rigging, carpentry, props, video display A/V, wardrobe and general stage construction. We are the first on site and the last to leave. The show WILL go on.
Matthew Knight Arena
Local 675 provides stage and court conversion crew for concert events and event sports lighting at the University of Oregon’s Matt Knight Arena.
Providing skilled labor for professional stage and arena events.
The Local provides professional stagecraft labor under contract for the City of Eugene Hult Center for the Performing Arts and the University of Oregon Matt Knight Arena and Autzen Stadium.

Dedicated to the production.
The working Stagehands of Local 675 take pride in making sure the performance on stage is built quickly and efficiently. No production is too large or too small for the professional stage technicians of IATSE Local 675.
Local 675 in Eugene is in Solidarity with other IATSE locals in the Pacific Northwest USA to increase our strength to represent all stage and film and entertainment craft workers in Oregon, Washington, Alaska, Idaho, and Montana.
IATSE Local 28 https://iatse28.org
IATSE Local 154 https://www.iatse154.com
IATSE Local 488 http://www.iatse488.org
IATSE Local 793 http://iatse793.org
IATSE Local 15 https://www.ia15.org
IATSE Local 93 http://iatse93.org
IATSE Local 918 http://www.iatselocal918.com
IATSE Local 339 http://local339.org